Concept, choreography collaboration
INBETWEEN is a performance that explores group tensions in a shifting environment.

Inbetween: trailer
“We are more connected than ever, we are changing into a mass that is trying to find balance. We pull and push.”
INBETWEEN is a performance that explores group tensions in a shifting environment animated by constant connectivity and instant reactions. The space amid these tensions becomes a collective mass that needs to be constantly remapped.
Concept: Soňa Ferienčíková, Mária Júdová, Alexandra Timpau
Choreography: Soňa Ferienčíková in collaboration with Mária Júdová
Set design: Alexandra Timpau
Sound: Milan Slama, Alexandra Timpau
Light design: Ints Plavnieks
Performed and co-created by: Lukáš Bobalík, Daniel Raček, Zdenka Brungot Svíteková, Jaro Viňarský
Production: Zuzana Frištiková, BOD.Y o.z.
Co-production: ME-SA, spolek, Tabačka Kulturfabrik, Tanec Praha / PONEC
With financial support: “Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council”, “This project was financially supported by the Bratislava self-governing region” and Ministry Culture of the Czech Republic
Special thanks: Jazmína Piktorová, Markéta Jandová, PLAST- Soňa Kúdeľová, Renata Jurčová, Zoë Schreckenberg
2022/04 PONEC – dance venue, Prague, CZ
2021/11 PONEC – dance venue, Prague, CZ
2021/09 Tabačka Kulturfabrik, Košice, SK