body(input); 2
Lights, bio-sensors
Concept, Light Design
body(input); 2 is an intermedia performance speculating on a parasitic relationship between the physical body and technology.

body(input); 2 trailer
body(input); 2 is a solo dance speculating on a parasitic relationship between the physical body and technology. It is concerned with the gradual extension of the human senses, the way we perceive the world, ourselves, our physical body and our abilities through innovation. On the other hand it also reflects the increasingly complex technologies that adapt, evolve and become more autonomous.
The interactive light generated according to the dancer’s biological function is used as a metaphor of technology. The way light reacts on the dancer changes during the performance, and thus it also defines their relationship and autonomy. At some point the light reacts accurately on the dancer’s heartbeat, breath and muscle activity, otherwhile the light behaves independently on the input data as an autonomous entity. The focus of the performance is therefore on the ambiguity of the situation in which we find ourselves nowadays and the new questions arising from it.
Concept, Lighting design: Mária Júdová
Choreography, Dance: Markéta Kuttnerová
Sound programming: Petr Zabrodský
Hardware, Software: Andrej Boleslavský
Thanks to: Sven Heier, Yves Regenass,Benny Hauser, Mitch Gruss, Opendot, Kristína Dúhová, Miloš Vojtechovský
Supported by: Roxy Birsfelden, Migros culture percentage, FAMU